
3 min read

In today's modern tech world everyone needs to make their business online and the Online market is huge, Consider you as a person who’s starting an e-commerce business, The mandatory thing for an E-Commerce business is a website and a web application , Since there are inbuilt e-commerce sites like Shopify but in that case, you need to pay them Monthly or Yearly, But I prefer building a website from scratch, Now you may have a question how to build a website from scratch and what technologies to use in it, In this article, we will go through some of the technologies and its difference based on that you can choose the one which suits your business.

What is Stack?

A stack is a combination of programming languages which is a framework and tools that developers used to build a mobile or web application the important components of a website are the client side which is the front end and the server side which is the backend, Server side can't visible to the users but its programming languages powers the users and helps to build a logical web application, Some of the main technologies come under the client side are HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

What is MEAN Stack?

‘MEAN’ stands for MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js.

  • MongoDB is a NoSQL database to store data as Jsonfiles in backed

  • Express is a backend web application that runs on top of node js

  • Angular front-end framework used to run JavaScript in the client's browser

  • Node is a run time environment to implement application backend using Js

A mean stack is defined as a collection of Javascript technologies that assist in building complex websites or web apps and in building robust websites and applications. MEAN Stack is an open-source JavaScript framework with an extensive suite of built-in testing tools.

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What is MERN Stack?

‘MERN’ stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js.

MongoDB is a NoSQL database to store data as Jsonfiles in backed

Express is a backend web application that runs on top of node js

React is a javascript front-end library for UI development

Node is a run time environment to implement application backend using Js

MERN is used for developing web apps by making use of its libraries, database, framework MERN Stack is a common alternative to MEAN Stack, where traditional Angular.js is replaced by React.js, which progresses in development faster, more scalable and easier. The only difference is that the mean uses Angular tools for building frontend whereas mernstack uses react js, Tech giants like Instagram, Whatsapp and Netflix mobile apps are built using MERN Stack.

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Main Difference Between MEAN and MERN Stack

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Concluding with …..

MEAN and MERN are reliable frameworks in the market and the growth of both stacks is insane. Both have become an integral part of Full Stack Development. Choosing any one of these stacks is quite difficult. Choose based on your project requirement which helps you reach a suitable choice, I will prefer MERN over MEAN because of React Js and the opportunity of MERN is wide open, Drop a comment section which stack you’ll prefer??

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